Monday, August 4, 2008

Adult acne treatments and how to clear up severe acne

Aspirin paste - Make a paste from a couple non-coated aspirins that you have soften with just a few drops of water. Apply the aspirin paste to pimples and allow to sit for 20 minutes, then rinse. The salicylic acid in the aspirin will reduce the inflammation and size of pimples.
Get on a regular exercise routine. Exercising three times a week for at least 30 minutes is actually enough. Exercise helps improve blood circulation and also oxygen levels in the blood. If you wear make up, remove them at night. And never, ever pick at or squeeze your pimples. You risk spreading the infection to unaffected areas of your skin and you also increase the chances of acne scarring.
Reducing the excessive amount of processed fatty and fried foods intake. These are the main factors causing your skin to become oily and increases the risk of acne.
tags: acne adult cause female, how to get rid of acne, best way to get rid of acne marks fast

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