Monday, August 4, 2008

Why do i get acne only on my chin and how to get rid of terrible acne fast

The answer is hard to say because acne is a very complex problem even with all the scientific studies. I would say that it is out of control, but there are ways to prevent it so it no longer leads to break outs.
Electrical razors are preferred to blades, but if you have to use a blade, use one that has more than one blade on it. Multiple blades will help to get as close to the skin and hair follicle as possible.
Since the pores are still open, washing your face thoroughly with an antibacterial cleanser helps to clear bacteria around it. It is advisable to do a facial mask after the squeeze. It will cleanse and remove the excessive oil plus helping to shrink enlarged pores.
tags: top rated acne products, acne severe adult, baby acne food allergy

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